SAVAGE Entrepreneur Podcast

Feed Your Mind - 7 Steps to Level Up Your Business AND Your Life!

Mike Savage

Full transcript


  • My biggest mistake building companies #2 is: I didn't nurture my brain to the same extent that I nurtured my body.
  • 7 Steps to Level Up Your Business AND Your Life!
    • Determine how you got where you are. Are there any belief systems holding you back?
    • If you want to change your Output (your results), you gotta change the Inputs. 
    • Feed your mind as regularly as you feed your body. If shit isn’t working for you, feed it something new, or you’ll stay exactly where you are.
    • Hang out with people who have done what you’re trying to do. Learn from them, get there faster and less painfully.
    • Get a coach to help keep your mindset strong and your focus where it needs to be. 
    • Don’t just think and plan. DO. Get moving. Take Action. Show up.
    • Build up your Savage Shield™ for the tough times by inputting the G.C.P.P.P 
  • If you have any questions about this, about your business, or about working with me, email me: